Anti-Americanism in the Middle East

What is Anti-Americanism?

What is Anti-Americanism?  Essentially, it is the hatred of or hostility towards America or its people.  Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary definition is: opposed or hostile to the people or the government policies of the United States.  Many terrorist acts are associated with Anti-Americanism.  The 9/11 attacks are a good example of Anti-American feelings and people who acted on those feelings. 

There are many different types of Anti-americanisms.  Peter J. Katzenstein and Robert O. Keohane wrote a rather lengthy, but excellent article for the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences titled, “Types and Sources of Anti-Americanism: A Framework for Analysis.”  This article is very in depth and well-researched and helps to expound upon Anti-Americanism and was later drafted into a chapter in the book titled, Anti-Americanisms in World Politics.  In the article, they list six main types of Anti-Americanism.  They divide these six types into two groups.  The first group contains:

1.      Liberal- These Anti-Americans have few problems with the United States, but criticize America when American values differ from their values.

2.      Welfarist- These Anti-Americans have some similar values to the U.S. but strongly disagree with others.

3.      Sovereign-nationalist- These Anti-Americans are afraid of the spread of American culture and values.

4.      Radical- These Anti-Americans believe that the U.S. is so negative that it must be weakened or eliminated.  

The second group contains:

1.      Cultural Elitist- These Anti-Americans have a history of looking down on American culture because they are from a more “Elite” culturally. (Example is France)

2.      Legacy- These Anti-Americans depend on bad memories of the United States involvement often related to costly military interventions or political interference in domestic affairs in support of undemocratic or unjust forms of government (Greece and Iran are examples)


 If you would like to read the article for yourself click below. 

Although all of this may seem cut and dry, the definition of Anti-Americanism can sometimes get really cloudy.  Many associate Anti-Americanism with Anti-Bushism (Anti President Bush).  Josef Joffe wrote a superb article on Anti-Americanism which can be found at the following web link:  In the article, Joffe lists five ways to tell between Anti-Americanism and Anti-Bushism.  He states that Anti-Americanism is “Stereotypization, which is statements of the type: ‘this is what they are all like;’ Denigration (the ascription of moral or cultural inferiority to the target group); Omnipotence (e.g. ‘they control the media, the economy, the world’); Conspiracy (‘this is what they want to do to us -- sully racial purity or destroy our traditional and better ways’); and Obsession" (Joffe). 

Below is an excellent video about Anti-Americanism.  The video features Amar C. Bakshi, who spent a year recording views that other nations have about America and its leadership.  Amar is a blogger and journalist for the Washington Post.  He visited 12 different natoins and in this video he explains the types of Anti-Americanism.  The video provides great information and statistics, some of which are very surprising. 


Anti-Americanism and the Middle East

Now Anti-Americanism has been defined.  The next question is, "Why is Anti-Americanism found in the middle east?" or rather, "What are the roots of Anti-Americanism in the Arab world?"  There are many different reasons.  For example, differences in culture, dislikes of past American policies, and America's influence in the world's economy.  These are roots of the plant that is Anti-Americanism in the Middle East.  However, probably one of the biggest roots that runs deep is a book that was written by Sayid Qutb called, The America I have Seen.  Qutb tells about his experience and observations he made while studying in Greeley, Colorado.  In the book, he explains how greed is a major part of America because everyone in Greeley had green lawns.  He also tells how American women are vixens and the men are brutes.  Freedom, church, and haircuts are other things that Qutb critizes about America.  Robert Siegel in an article put it this way, "When it came to culture, Qutb denounced the primitive jazz music and loud clothing, the obsession with body image and perfection, and the bald sexuality. The American female was naturally a temptress, acting her part in a sexual system Qutb described as "biological": 'The American girl is well acquainted with her body's seductive capacity. She knows it lies in the face, and in expressive eyes, and thirsty lips. She knows seductiveness lies in the round breasts, the full buttocks, and in the shapely thighs, sleek legs -- and she shows all this and does not hide it'" (Siegel). Qutb's book and ideas influenced Osama Bin Laden who is quite likely, the most influential Anti-American leader in the Middle East.  He started the Jihadist group Al-Qaeda and was the mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks. 


Joffe, Josef.  “On Anti-Americanism in Europe.” 2005. Stanford University. 9 Dec. 2008

Katzenstein, Peter J.; Robert O. Keohane (2005). "Types and Sources of Anti-Americanism: A Framework for Analysis". University of Southern California Center for International Studies.  Word document draft chapter later found in the book Anti-americanisms in World Politics

Siegel, Robert Sayyid Qutb's America, NPR, All Things Considered, 6 May 2003, accessed 9 Dec. 2008.


Page Created by Tyler Killpack